UCS student hub

Frami C-building, 2nd floor, Block/door C 240.1.2.
Address: Kampusranta 9C, Seinäjoki

The Hub is open 7.45 AM – 6 PM Mon-Fri
Frami C building main door are open 7:30 AM – 5 PM.

For who?
UCS student hub is a co-working space for university students and researchers studying in Tampere University, the University of Helsinki, the University of Vaasa or the University of the Arts Helsinki.

What is UCS?
UCS stands for University Consortium of Seinäjoki. The University Consortium of Seinäjoki is a networked community of 80 multidisciplinary experts from four Finnish universities. The University Consortium is formed by Tampere University, the University of Helsinki, the University of Vaasa and the University of the Arts Helsinki. Our partners include the University of Turku, the Natural Resources Institute Finland, the Migration Institute of Finland, and the University Association of South Ostrobothnia (Epky).  

For the first 20 years the collaboration has been focused on research and development activities relevant to the region, continuous learning services, artistic activities, and the promotion of our societal impact. However, the autumn 2023 is the beginning of a new era as we are developing the degree program study possibilities at your Seinäjoki Campus, including the study facilities such as the hub.


1. Keep it clean!
Use the bins in the rooms. If you eat, eat at the kitchen/lobby table.
The cleaner takes out the trash but does not do our dishes or clean the kitchen.
2. The clean desk -system.
Clear your workspace/ desk after using it, no later than at the end of the day.
3. Book the teamwork rooms online.
You ‘ll find the links to the booking page from this email.
4. Respect your peers.
Get inspired and connect but mind your volume. Someone is writing their thesis in the next room.
5. No alcohol allowed in the hub
or anywhere else in the Frami building.
6. No smoking in doors.
7. No sleeping in or staying overnight at the hub.
If you stay in too late, you will set the alarms.


The wifi
You can use the eduroam using your own university’s username/password. Eduroam is an international roaming service, which gives you access to a secure and free Internet connection all around the world! In Finland the service is provided in all universities and polytechnics. As a student or researcher, you can take the service into use easily and rapidly on any mobile platform. Tampere University student will also find TUNI wifi were they can connect.

The quiet workspace
The quiet room is meant for quiet working only. Please take your calls and Teams conversations outside the room. The main principle is the first come, first served*. There are no online reservation possibilities to the working stations. The quiet workspace is a clean desk space, meaning that you clean your desk after using it, no later than at the end of each day. * The room has six workstations, 4 of which are booked for researchers. (We will mark this table with a Research residence-sign).

Teamwork space 1 and 2
These rooms are designed for student teamwork and other co-working activities. Room 1 has a copy machine. The teamwork spaces can be book in advance!
Book the teamwork space below:
UCS student hub / Ryhmätyö 1 / Group 1 (office365.com)
UCS student hub / Ryhmätyö 2 / Group 2 (office365.com)

Meeting room
The student hub has a meeting room for 6-8 people. The meeting space can be book in advance! Book the meeting room below:
UCS student hub / Kokoustila / Meeting room (office365.com)

The lobby
The lobby cannot be reserved, and it is always open for all the hub users.

The lockers
The lobby and the quiet working space have small lockers that you can store your stuff. The UCS coordinator has a master key, which she will use if needed. The lockers are not for storing stuff for weeks, but for a day or two.

The kitchen
The lobby has a small kitchen with a fridge, dishwasher, coffee machine, an electric kettle and a microwave oven. There are also tableware (cups and plates) that you can use. The trashes are taken care by the maintenance, but otherwise the hub users must clean the kitchen (e.g. do your own dishes).

The phonebooth
The hub has a phonebooth. Take your private calls to the booth especially if you are working in the quiet space. The booth cannot be pre-booked. The booth as air-conditioning.

The noticeboard
Use it. All ads and info are to be taken to the board, not on the tables.

Timo classroom
The Timo classroom is being used by the University Consortium network staff (teachers, administrative staff etc). The space is meant for teaching sessions, seminars, and bigger hybrid meeting. The Timo classroom door is always locked, it has a separate booking system and it is mainly booked by the staff.

Any questions?
If you have any questions concerning the UCS student hub, please contact Päivi Alaniska (she/her) 050 330 3519, paivi.alaniska@tuni.fi